Mark your calendars for the return of Boston's most anticipated foodie event this February!

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Familiarization Assistance Form

Thank you for your interest in Boston and the surrounding region. Meet Boston is available to assist journalists on assignment with their research for articles, books and other media outlets. Please complete the form below so that we may understand your needs and provide the best assistance possible. We will be in contact with you soon.

FAM Request

(lead journalist, publication and country)

Angle/Description (in paragraph form)

Dates of Travel

udf_173 calendar
udf_181 calendar

Description of Commissioning Publication / Media Outlet

Please Include: Type of Media * Language * Frequency * Circulation * Demographics


Total Number in Party

Please provide their names and relation

Special Food Requirements

Have you been to Massachusetts before?


Requests: (scheduled time vs. free time, hosted meals, accommodations, and activities)

Anticipated Results:

(For Press: Feature Length * Drop/Air date * Media Value)

(For Trade: Anticipated Follow Up)


* Indicates a required field.